

Kenji Miyazawa 宮沢賢治


"雨ニモマケズ"東北弁朗読 今野東 あぁ、この詩はこうよむのか・・・と思った。 人間のさとりの境地をうたったこの詩をまえにすると、鏡の前にたったようで自分のできのわるさがうかびあがる。もっとも、賢治自身も「こういうものにわたしはなりたい」といっ…

The Acorns & Wildcat Kenji Miyazawa Translated by SoRaJune Prt IV どんぐりと山猫 宮沢賢治 パート4

Part I http://soraike123.hatenablog.com/entry/20130104/1357301922 Wildcat pronounced a sentence to the acorns. “Pay attention. Be silent. Here is the sentence. The greatest one of all of you is the one who is the most inferior, most foolis…

The Acorns & Wildcat Kenji MIYAZAWA Translated by SoRaJune Part III 宮沢賢治 どんぐりと山猫 英語版 パート3

Just then, Ichiro heard the sound like crunching salt at his feet. When bending over to have a close look in surprise, he saw many golden round objects scattered in the grass. They were more than 300 of acorns of wearing red trousers. All …

The Acorns & Wildcat Kenji MIYAZAWA Translated by SoRaJune Part II 宮沢賢治 どんぐりと山猫 英語版 パート2

There was a beautiful golden meadow. The wind went through the grasses and olive-colored nutmeg tree forest surrounded it. In the center of the meadow, there was a short odd shaped man. He squatted holding a leather whip and stared Ichiro …

The Acorns & Wildcat Kenji MIYAZAWA Translated by SoRaJune Part I 宮沢賢治 どんぐりと山猫 英語版 パート1

One Saturday evening, Ichiro received a strange card.“September 19thDear Ichiro Kaneta, I’m pleesed that you’re doing well. Tomoro we have a dificult trial, pleese come over. No wepons are allowed.Yours sinserely, Wildcat”The handwriting w…

Gauche the cellist [Miyazawa Kenji] Prt II Translated by SoRaJune セロ弾きのゴーシュ 宮沢賢治

Prt I http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Soraike123/20121222/1356171082Looking up Gauche miserably, the bird said “Why did you stop like that? Even the weakest cuckoo will not stop practice until bleeding from our throats.” “I don’t need your advice. I…

Gauche the cellist [Miyazawa Kenji] Prt I Translated by SoRaJune セロ弾きのゴーシュ 宮沢賢治

Gauche the cellist Gauche was a cellist and working for a cinema theater in the town. Unfortunately his reputation as a musician was not so high, actually he was regarded as one of the poorest players in the band and the orchestra master c…

The Restaurant of Many Orders [Kenji Miyazawa] Translated by SoRaJune 注文の多い料理店 英訳

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VISITING THIS PAGE, GREATLY APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD ALSO VISIT MY E-BOOK SITE AS BELOW https://puboo.jp/book/64644☘️☘️☘️Once there were two young gentlemen climbing up deep into the mountains. They dressed like Brit…