

グレート・ギャッツビー 対訳 第七章-6 ゴールデン・ガール



グレート・ギャッツビー   第七章-6

「さあ!」 トムがキレそうになった。 「どうしたんだ?街に行くんなら、さっさと行こう」




「ねぇ、もっと楽しくしない? 」彼女は夫に懇願した 「急ぐには暑すぎるし」


「好きにすればいいわ」と彼女は言った 「さあ、ジョーダン行きましょう」

 二人は準備のために二階に上がった。オレたち三人の男はそこに立って、 熱い小石を足でかき回していた。銀色の曲線を描く月が西の空にすでに浮かんでいた。ギャッツビーが何か話しかけようとしてやめた。でも、トムが向き直って話を聞こうと待ち構えていた。




 しばらく間を置いて「街に行くだなんてとんでもないな とトムが怒って言った。「女どもが考える事ときたら・・・」


「オレがウイスキーを取ってくる 」トムが答えて中に入っていった。



「彼女の声には無分別なところがあるから」とオレは言った。 「だってあの声には...」それから言うのをためらった。


 全くそうだった。それまで全然わかっていなかった。その声は金にあふれていたんだ--それは、金の中で高く低くく響き渡る尽きることのない魅力であり、金のリンリンとなる音であり、金のシンバルの歌だった。. . . 白い宮殿の高いところにいる...王女様であり、ゴールデン・ガールだった... . .



"Come on!" His temper cracked a little. "What's the matter, anyhow? If we're going to town let's start."

His hand, trembling with his effort at self control, bore to his lips the last of his glass of ale. Daisy's voice got us to our feet and out on to the blazing gravel drive.

"Are we just going to go?" she objected. "Like this? Aren't we going to let any one smoke a cigarette first?"

"Everybody smoked all through lunch."

"Oh, let's have fun," she begged him. "It's too hot to fuss."

He didn't answer.

"Have it your own way," she said. "Come on, Jordan."

They went upstairs to get ready while we three men stood there shuffling the hot pebbles with our feet. A silver curve of the moon hovered already in the western sky. Gatsby started to speak, changed his mind, but not before Tom wheeled and faced him expectantly.

"Have you got your stables here?" asked Gatsby with an effort.

"About a quarter of a mile down the road."


A pause.

"I don't see the idea of going to town," broke out Tom savagely. "Women get these notions in their heads----"

"Shall we take anything to drink?" called Daisy from an upper window.

"I'll get some whiskey," answered Tom. He went inside.

Gatsby turned to me rigidly:

"I can't say anything in his house, old sport."

"She's got an indiscreet voice," I remarked. "It's full of----"

I hesitated.

"Her voice is full of money," he said suddenly.

That was it. I'd never understood before. It was full of money--that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals' song of it. . . . High in a white palace the king's daughter, the golden girl. . . .

Tom came out of the house wrapping a quart bottle in a towel, followed by Daisy and Jordan wearing small tight hats of metallic cloth and carrying light capes over their arms.