

グレート・ギャッツビー 対訳 第二章-16


グレート・ギャッツビー 第二章-16







Chapter 2-16

The answer to this was unexpected. It came from Myrtle who had overheard the question and it was violent and obscene.

"You see?" cried Catherine triumphantly. She lowered her voice again. "It's really his wife that's keeping them apart. She's a Catholic and they don't believe in divorce."

Daisy was not a Catholic and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie.












「ううん、ただモンテカルロに行って戻ってきただけ。マルセイユ経由で行ったの。行きは1200ドル持ってたんだけど、カジノで2日で無くなっちゃった。帰りは、どれだけヒヤヒヤしたかわかる? あんな街、大っ嫌い!」


"When they do get married," continued Catherine, "they're going west to live for a while until it blows over."

"It'd be more discreet to go to Europe."

"Oh, do you like Europe?" she exclaimed surprisingly. "I just got back from Monte Carlo."


"Just last year. I went over there with another girl."

"Stay long?"

"No, we just went to Monte Carlo and back. We went by way of Marseilles. We had over twelve hundred dollars when we started but we got gypped out of it all in two days in the private rooms. We had an awful time getting back, I can tell you. God, how I hated that town!"