

グレート・ギャッツビー 対訳  第七章-16


グレート・ギャッツビー   第七章-16


 ギャッツビー が彼女の横に立った。「デイジー、それはもう終わった事だ 」と真剣に言った。「それはもういいんだよ。ただ彼に真実を話してあげて。あなたが彼を愛してなかったということを。そうすれば、全部帳消しになるから」

 彼女は 呆然と彼を見ていた 。「どうして ・・・わたしが彼を愛していたなんて・・・そんな・・・」

「あなたは 彼を愛してなかったんだよ」

 彼女はためらった。 そして訴えるようにジョーダンとオレを見つめた。まるで自分が何をしようとしているのかやっと気付いたみたいに。まるで最初から何もしてなかったみたいに。でも、もうおしまいだ。もう手遅れだった。





「靴を濡らさないようにパンチボウルで抱き上げてやった日は?」かすれ声に愛情が感じられた。 . . . デイジー?」

「やめてよ」彼女の声は冷たかったが、怒りは消えていた。 彼女はギャッツビーを見た 。「ねぇ、ジェイ、お願い」そう言ってタバコに火をつけようとした手は震えていた。不意に、タバコと燃えているマッチをカーペットの上に放り投げた。



"You're revolting," said Daisy. She turned to me, and her voice, dropping an octave lower, filled the room with thrilling scorn: "Do you know why we left Chicago? I'm surprised that they didn't treat you to the story of that little spree."

Gatsby walked over and stood beside her.

"Daisy, that's all over now," he said earnestly. "It doesn't matter any more. Just tell him the truth--that you never loved him--and it's all wiped out forever."

She looked at him blindly. "Why,--how could I love him--possibly?"

"You never loved him."

She hesitated. Her eyes fell on Jordan and me with a sort of appeal, as though she realized at last what she was doing--and as though she had never, all along, intended doing anything at all. But it was done now. It was too late.

"I never loved him," she said, with perceptible reluctance.

"Not at Kapiolani?" demanded Tom suddenly.


From the ballroom beneath, muffled and suffocating chords were drifting up on hot waves of air.

"Not that day I carried you down from the Punch Bowl to keep your shoes dry?" There was a husky tenderness in his tone. ". . . Daisy?"

"Please don't." Her voice was cold, but the rancour was gone from it. She looked at Gatsby. "There, Jay," she said--but her hand as she tried to light a cigarette was trembling. Suddenly she threw the cigarette and the burning match on the carpet.