

グレート・ギャッツビー 対訳 第七章-18


グレート・ギャッツビー   第七章-18

「お前の『ドラッグストア』が何か知ってるんだぞ」彼はオレたちの方を向いて早口で話し出した。 「こいつとウルフシェイムは ここいらとシカゴの路上ドラッグストアを買い占めて 穀物製アルコールを カウンターで売っていたんだぜ。それがこいつの芸当の一つだ。最初に会った時、酒の密売人じゃねぇかとにらんでいたが全くの筋違いじゃなかったね」

「それがどうしたんですか?」ギャッツビーは丁重に言った 。「君の友人のウォルター・チェイスは僕たちの仲間になるのにやぶさかではないようでしたが」

「お前はあいつを見捨てたんじゃないのか?ニュージャージーで1ヶ月間あいつは刑務所に入ったってな。 何てこった!ウォルターの話を聞いてみろよ」


「『君』なんて呼ぶんじゃねぇよ! 」トムが叫んだ。 ギャッツビーは黙っていた




 オレはギャッツビーと夫の間で怯えて目を見張っているデイジーと、あごの先で目に見えないけど気になって仕方がない何かのバランスを取り始めたジョーダンをちらりと見た。それからギャッツビーの方を振り返って愕然とした。彼の庭でみんなが噂していた、あの「人を殺した」としか説明できないような顔をしていたんだ。一瞬、 彼の顔には、なんとも言いがたいおかしな表情が浮かんでたんだって。


"I found out what your 'drug stores' were." He turned to us and spoke rapidly. "He and this Wolfshiem bought up a lot of side-street drug stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That's one of his little stunts. I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him and I wasn't far wrong."

"What about it?" said Gatsby politely. "I guess your friend Walter Chase wasn't too proud to come in on it."

"And you left him in the lurch, didn't you? You let him go to jail for a month over in New Jersey. God! You ought to hear Walter on the subject of you."

"He came to us dead broke. He was very glad to pick up some money, old sport."

"Don't you call me 'old sport'!" cried Tom. Gatsby said nothing. "Walter could have you up on the betting laws too, but Wolfshiem scared him into shutting his mouth."

That unfamiliar yet recognizable look was back again in Gatsby's face.

"That drug store business was just small change," continued Tom slowly, "but you've got something on now that Walter's afraid to tell me about."

I glanced at Daisy who was staring terrified between Gatsby and her husband and at Jordan who had begun to balance an invisible but absorbing object on the tip of her chin. Then I turned back to Gatsby--and was startled at his expression. He looked--and this is said in all contempt for the babbled slander of his garden--as if he had "killed a man." For a moment the set of his face could be described in just that fantastic way.